January 6, 2012

FootBook App

I have a confession to make - when iPhones first came out and there were those "there's an app for that" commercials all over the place, I would usually throw my hands up and tell everyone around me that "app" had to be one of the most annoying words I'd heard in a long time. I couldn't stand the commercials and I knew I wanted nothing to do with "apps."

I have done a total 180 on this whole "app" thing. As many of you know, I recently got an iPad, and I can't get enough of all the apps out there! I was very excited to learn there are many apps out there that are quilting related. There really is an app for that!

One of my favorites is The FootBook app. This is a wonderful tool for anyone with a Janome sewing machine. The app has all the different feet and attachments available for the Janome machines. There is a description of each product as well as a descriptive video you can watch. It also allows you to mark which feet and attachments you have as well as add the ones you want to a "wish list."

This app is available from the app store through iTunes. It costs $6.99 and is well worth the investment. Learn how to use all those feet that came with your machine!