February 24, 2012

We're on Pinterest!

Hi!  We've joined the exciting world of Pinterest!  Don't know what that is?  Don't feel bad - neither did we a few short hours ago.  We already love it, though!

Pinterest is basically an online pin board - it gives you a place to organize all kinds of links, ideas, photos, etc.  It's fantastic, and super useful!  If you're already a member, be sure to follow us!  If you're not a member, but you want to be one, we'd be happy to send you an invite - just ask!  And the best part - you can follow us and see all of our pins without having to sign up for anything!

We plan to post all of the links we put on our facebook page here, which will allow everyone to find stuff without having to scroll through everything we've posted.  Awesome, no?

So head on over to and start following along!
(Yes, you read that address right.  Pinterest apparently caps how long your user name can be.  Rude.)

February 14, 2012

Best Lamp Ever

First, I have to admit that writing this makes me think of that sad lamp commercial from a while ago - y'all remember that? Where the desk lamp gets replaced and thrown out with the trash and it gets rained on out on the curb? Ha. Maybe it's just me. Here's a link to the commercial - check it out. It's pretty funny.

It's fitting that the commercial is for Ikea because this new lamp we've found can be purchased there. We discovered this gem last Wednesday during the Underground Railroad class. A student brought in this little beauty, clipped it to her table and had wonderful light while working on her blocks. We all immediately fell in love with it and had to know where she got it.

It's the Jansjo light, and it's only $14.99!! It's small, so it easily fits anywhere. Don't let that size fool you, though. This little guy packs a punch and provides wonderful light! It easily clips on to any table edge and has suction cups to make it extra secure. It also has an adjustable goose neck so you can direct the light anywhere you need it. Fabulous!!

Do yall have any tools you've found are extra handy? We'd love to hear about them!